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Marketing Services Provider

Direct Mail Marketing

Are you wondering if direct mail marketing still works in today’s digital world? You're not alone. Many have questioned its effectiveness, but smart marketers know it still holds value. In fact, a recent MarketingSherpa study showed that 79% of over 1,000 marketing professionals consider direct mail effective.

Why does direct mail work? When done right, it builds customer loyalty and keeps your brand top of mind. If you're looking to start a direct mail campaign, Integra Graphics Synergy can guide you every step of the way. 


We excel in creating standout direct mail materials that capture attention and drive results. From creative concepts and striking designs to expert production,

 curated mailing lists, and efficient

 distribution, we hand

le everything. Whatever your goal, we ensure your message reaches your audience effectively.

Ready to launch your campaign? Let's talk about how we can make it happen.

Learn about our omni-channel marketing product



Think email marketing is just spam? Think again. Studies show it offers significant ROI. A MarketingSherpa study revealed B2C marketers see an average 256% return on their email campaigns. Another study from Yahoo! found that U.S. adult Internet users subscribe to three daily or weekly shopping emails or newsletters on average.

Considering email marketing or want to improve your current efforts? We can help you plan and execute successful campaigns. Our proprietary email management software helps you:

  • Create beautiful, eye-catching, professional mailers that will make a positive impression on your customers. Use any of our built-in templates, create your own, or have us design a piece for you.
  • Preview your mailings to make sure they look great across all the major email services and programs.
  • Spam-check your messages to ensure compliance and increase the chance they'll get through to your subscribers' email boxes.
  • Segment your mailing lists so you can target specific groups.
  • Track delivery, opens, click-throughs, and other key metrics to ensure you're getting the best return for your dollars spent.When it comes to email marketing, we have you covered.


Mailing Services

Need help with mailing services after your print project is done? We offer a full-service, turn-key mailing solution to save you time and energy. From preparing your materials to ensuring they reach your audience, we manage it all.


New Product Launch

Say you're launching a new product and want to give it a competitive edge. Or perhaps you're ready to introduce your services to a new market or to a new segment of prospects who have previously gone untapped. Whatever the case, you want to make a big splash, but you also want to make sure it's the right kind of splash (think Olympic diver vs. cannonball or belly flop). That's where we come in.Our marketing support team provides the services and expertise you need to make a positive impact (and impression). From printed postcards, product literature, PURLs, and media kits to complete multichannel marketing campaigns, we'll get you started on the right foot and lead your journey every step of the way.



Business is personal. One-to-one marketing means creating personalized experiences for your customers. Whether through email, direct mail, or website interactions, we can help you connect on a deeper level.


  • Email Marketing: Personalized messages tailored to individual interests.
  • Direct Mail: Customized postcards or brochures using variable data.
  • Website: Personalized greetings and content based on user preferences.

We gather and efficiently store customer information to design highly targeted marketing campaigns. Need help? We’re here for you.


Personalization means addressing your customers by name, making them feel valued. Instead of "Dear Occupant," imagine your mailer saying, “Hi Tom, here’s a special offer for you!”



Personalized URLs (PURLs) are unique website addresses tailored to each recipient. They deliver specialized content based on individual preferences, enhancing your connection with customers. PURLs are great for verifying information, presenting targeted offers, and tracking campaign effectiveness. Top brands use PURLs, and you can too. Want to learn more? We're here to help.


Variable Data

Ever received a personalized mail piece that caught your attention? That's the power of variable data printing. It lets you personalize each piece, making your marketing more intentional and effective. Moving from database to print can be complex, but we simplify it for you. Let's explore how variable data printing can enhance your marketing strategy.



Versioning allows different versions of the same printed piece to be produced automatically. For example, a postcard can be printed in one color for men and another for women. This type of customization helps ensure your message resonates with each segment of your audience.

Let’s discuss how versioning can benefit your next campaign.